Once we got home, it was time to wind down and get Ayla ready for bed. When I brought her into her room, she gave me kisses and kept saying, "night-night" while looking down at her crib. I said okay, gave her another sqeeze and put her down. I'm not going to lie, although she's been doing great, I still get a little nervous. But she surprised me by giggling as I placed her in her bed. I walked out of her room, shaking my head in disbelief. One week ago at this time, I was sitting on the couch, sweating and biting my nails as she screamed and cried hysterically.
This has been the longest stretch of her sleeping through the night since she turned a year old over five months ago. I feel a sense of freedom because of it. For the past few months, I've felt like I couldn't do anything but go to bed early for fear that she would be up in the middle of the night. I hope this lasts for a while...we've needed it.
This morning, as I was digging through her clothes for something to put her in, I kept pulling out the same few shirts she's been wearing all winter. Blah. Boring. I decided to go to the drawer where I've been storing all the clearance rack treasures that I've been collecting since last year. This drawer is full of the cutest dresses that I have found for just a few bucks a piece. I bought most of them at the end of last summer when they had 75% off stickers attached to them. Bargains make me happy. So I went nuts and kept buying...she is set for this spring and summer.

Brushing her teeth with her hairbrush. Nice.

Practicing her fish-face.
Love this. Giving Daddy a welcome home hug.

1 comment:
I totally know the sense of freedom. Good for you!!!!!!!! Love it. Lets go out!!!!!:)
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