Dean is in Des Moines again for work...just one night, so it's not so bad. However, whenever he is not here, the evenings are
so boring and I have to find ways to entertain both myself and Ayla. Tonight, we watched a bunch of our videos...from her birth (which reduces me to tears
every single time I see it) to recent ones of her running all over the house. I am so thankful for all the seemingly silly, random videos we've taken in the past year and a half. A lot of the times while I'm taking a video, I think, "Nothing is even going on...this might be kind of boring to watch." I'm always wrong though...a few months down the road, when I watch them, I always think, "I am so glad I took this." I watch these short snippets of our lives and it already seems like so long ago. I don't like that I can hardly remember what Ayla was like as a little do I not remember what it was like to hold her when she was so teeny-tiny? Life gets so busy, it's hard to remember the little things. So often, I have to remind myself to just stop and breathe in the moment.

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