I'm really enjoying my time at home with Ayla. I am no longer working at this point. I was down to a measly six hours a week anyway (yes, SIX hours total a week...pathetic) and when it was busy, I wasn't doing anyone any favors by being there. I am more than thrilled to be spending so much time with Ayla. We're less than three weeks away from my due date and pretty soon just Ayla-Mommy time won't happen as often. I'm trying to savor it while it lasts. She wears me out but she's so much fun. :)

I forgot to mention that my appointment last Friday went just fine. It was the second time that I didn't gain any weight in between check-ups. I really don't understand it. I don't hold back when it comes to eating...ever. Especially while I'm pregnant. I'm sure, just like last time, I'll catch myself back up at my next appointment. :) Dr. Bishop checked my cervix...no dilation yet but a slight "dimple", which she says is normal for this point in the pregnancy. I've been feeling a lot of pressure and some period-like cramping since the appointment so I'm curious to see if anything has changed when I go back again. They couldn't fit me in this week so I'll be going on Monday instead. I did talk to her a little bit more about a VBAC...she said that not very many of her patients attempt it...but it's only out of fear that they'll go through labor and end up not being able to do it and then have a c-section again. I told her that my 20 hours of labor, which included nearly four hours of pushing that ended up in a c-section somehow wasn't bad enough to keep me from trying again, especially since I was
so close. As of right now, she is still perfectly comfortable in letting me try it. She said she would not put me in harm's way and I believe her. :)
And a bonus side-note: my feet still look like feet. With Ayla, they were sooo puffy and swollen towards the end. I remember telling Dean that it looked like my toes were being eaten by the rest of my feet. So gross. After being on my feet for just a short amount of time, they started spilling over my shoes. Ugh. I think the cold weather has helped. Last time, my third trimester was during the summer.
So anyway...still doing well but definitely, definitely, definitely ready for this baby to come.
I'm happy things are going great, Anne! I'm anxious to see pictures and meet her! :)
Way to go for wanting to attempt a vbac!! You can do it! And hopefully it will be quicker and easier the 2nd time around!
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