After breakfast, we went out to run a few errands and stopped at Scheel's so Ayla could ride the ferris wheel. This is the second time she's been on it...she loves it. It's a fun treat for doesn't take much time and it's only a buck.

After our errands, we went out to lunch and went home so she could take a nap. Anyone else dealing with the "excuses" phase? She's obviously never excited to take a nap and she's recently started making excuses to stall just a little bit longer. We try to make her go potty before putting her down but almost everyday, she will say she has to pee or poop just to get out of her room for a minute or two. Sometimes she really does have to go, but other times, she's just messing around. I never know what to do but if I let her come out of her room and she doesn't go, I get soo irritated with myself for giving in. Any suggestions to stop this habit?
But the evening, we celebrated Grandma's birthday (which is actually tomorrow). It was a really fun night with family. Barb--happy, happy, happy early birthday! Thank you for everything you do for Ayla and also for Dean and me.
Ayla must have sung "Happy Birthday" a dozen times throughout the night. She was thrilled to help Grandma open presents.

Kisses from Daddy
Marla, I know you told me no pictures, but I think you look cute! (Dean called her a hobo.)

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