She certainly has been testing our patience the last few days. I don't know if she's getting back at us for leaving her while we were in Cancun or if we're officially entering that "terrible two's" stage that everyone keeps warning me about. Either way, it's no fun. She turns into a little girl that I don't even recognize and I don't know how to deal with it. She whines, she cries, she throws herself onto the ground and goes limp if we try to pick her up. The littlest thing will set her off and there's nothing that seems to calm her down. It's so unlike her. She's never been a big crier but man, she's been making up for it. Like I said, it's really been testing me and I've had to just walk away and let her cry more than a handful of times and it also allows me to cool off as well. I keep telling myself that this, just like everything else, will not last forever.
But at the same time, she can be the most wonderfully sweet, charming, and funny little lady that we love so much. It really has been a fun age...especially with her language skills continuing to explode. She says the most hilarious things and continues to surprise us with what she knows. Sometimes I just have to sit back and stare at her. I can hardly believe how quickly the past couple of years have gone. As I feel PIP pound away at my belly everyday, I wonder what she's going to be like...who she's going to become--crazy and talkative like her big sister? Or quiet and snuggly? It's fun to think about.

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