So anyways. Nine months pregnant, people. Nine months. We're in the homestretch...and let me tell you, I AM READY. I'm getting pretty uncomfortable and feel like my skin is going to burst. Since Ayla was two weeks early, I'm already banking on being early with this one eventhough I shouldn't be thinking that way. My luck, I'll end up being late. Seriously, though, I still have a whole month to go...my belly cannot go out any further. It's huge and it's pointy. I'm carrying so differently this time. Either way, I'm so very anxious to meet this baby. I can't wait to hold her. Her clothes have been washed and put away, bottles and pacifiers have been sterilized, and her room is thisclose to being done. A few more finishing touches and it will be a nursery. I don't have a hospital bag packed yet, but a list has been made. Like I said, I'm ready.
My next appointment is this Friday morning. I'd like to talk to my doctor some more about attempting a VBAC (vaginal birth after Cesarean). At my very first appointment, I told her I wanted to try it and she was comfortable with it. Obviously, there are factors that she will need to consider as we get closer, but so far she doesn't see any issues with it. I want to ask her how many of her patients attempt it and of those, how many are successful? I want to make sure I'm making the right decision for the baby and for me.
And an update on Miss Ayla--she has been doing very well in her big girl bed! We told her that when she wakes up in the morning and after her naps, she has to stay there and call for us to come get her. So far, she has listened. It's crazy that she hasn't climbed out on her own yet...especially since her bed is her new favorite place to play during the day. She hops in and out of it all day long so it's not like she's physically unable to get down. Interesting...in a good way. Let's hope it stays this way. :)
Potty-training--doing so so so well. The past week and a half or so, she has been virtually accident-free. There have been a couple times where she starts to go in her pants and realizes it and stops and makes it to the potty to finish. I still put a pull-up on her when we leave the house but she stays dry. We've been able to get her to go on a big toilet while we're out thanks to the new fold-up princess potty seat. She still puts up a fight, but will end up going with some coaxing. I'm (slowly) working on not using a pull-up while we're out. I've started with not putting one on her when we drive to and from my parents' house on the days I have to go to work. They live about a half an hour from us. Baby steps. :) Every now and then she'll wake up from a nap dry, but for the most part, she has not mastered that part and especially not over night. I figure that will happen with time. I'm very happy with how she's doing during her waking hours.
What a big girl. She's growing so fast. It's crazy to look at her room now...it's completely a little girl's room...all things baby have been taken out. It makes me a little sad, but she loves it so much. :)
You look beautiful!!! :)
Sorry that we didn't get a chance to Skype with you this weekend :( I had every intention ..but we kept gabbing and drinking...and then it was 2:30AM all of a sudden! We will next time! Hopefully PIP#2 will be there by then and I can see her! :)
Leah, don't lie. I look like I've been hit by a bus!
We will definitely have to Skype soon...that's great you guys had a good time! :)
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