On Saturday, we spent the afternoon at O! Fest...it's like a smaller-scaled version of the Taste of Omaha (bands, beer, a variety of food vendors from restaurants across the city). Meghan and Chris went to it last year and thought it was a fun thing to do, so we met up with them and several others to check it out. We did the most important thing first: eat, eat, and eat some more. Ayla even scored some free goldfish crackers from a seafood place. :)

She was so busy taking in all the action...she seems to be the happiest when we're out and about with lots of things going on all around her. She must love to people-watch like her mama...I couldn't get her to look at me for anything.

We had to find me some dessert, of course...so I decided on some gelato. It didn't suck. :) I let Ayla try some...I think she approved as well.

We roamed around some more and found some cheap-o-knock-off sunglasses (three pairs for $21) so Meghan, Dean, and I each picked out a pair.

It started to get pretty warm and just in time, Dean and Chris spied a sign on a bar window that screamed $8 pitchers. So we went in, yes, with our babies (no worries though...we were literally the only ones in the bar, besides the bartender...and for you out-of-towners, everything is smoke-free now). We thought it would be the perfect atmosphere for Ayla to take a nap...dark, cool, and quiet. She was way past her naptime and still holding on strong with no indication of being tired...she was actually quite happy and alert.

After we left the bar, we headed back toward the music. Dean and I pushed Ayla around in her stroller on the bumpy grass with the band blaring away and with people hootin' and hollering all around her and she was out in less than ten minutes. Somehow,
that put her to sleep, but not the nice, quiet place.

Little Miss Heidi making a run for it...

Ayla only snoozed for a little over a half an hour and woke up completely re-energized. We had to run to SuperTarget to grab her some more formula and then we met up with everyone back at BabyBlue for some happy hour sushi and drinks. We gave her a slice of cucumber to munch on...she seemed to like it.

We stopped at Meghan and Chris' house for a little while before heading home. Ayla was
such a trooper all day...we were out of the house for seven hours and she never once got upset (until the very end as we were heading out of their neighborhood, but it was bedtime, so she's allowed). It was a great day...I'm looking forward to doing it again next year.
Anne, I 'm finding this amazing-a half an hour nap and no meltdowns! Way to go Ayla! (I'm jealous:)
Oh trust me, it's not so amazing when I need to get things done around the house!
I just love when babies cooperate for a whole day of adventure! Makes life so much easier. Haven't seen you in awhile..give us a call.
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