Ayla had her 9-month check-up this afternoon (Nai-Nai came with us). I, of course, got all worked up again thinking about her getting shots, but much to my delight, she didn't need any! Since she got a Hepatitus-B shot while we were in the hospital, she was good to go today. She did have blood taken from her little finger, but it didn't bother her one bit. I don't think she even realized anything had happened.
I think Dean's fear of her being six-feet tall someday has eased up a bit. She has leveled out...she measured in at 18 lbs. 11 oz. (45th percentile); 27 3/4 inches (54th percentile...although I think she's a bit longer...her neck was bent while Nurse Judy measured her. I figured it was close enough.) And of course her head--
96th percentile!
Dr.Davey checked her out and said everything looks and sounds great. He noticed that four upper teeth are coming in at the same time. I had only seen the front
two...I had no idea two
more were coming in. No wonder she's been so drooly!
Sitting in the waiting room at the doctor's office
Whenever she gets a little fussy, taking her outside seems to help

She kept trying to eat grass...

Playing with my cell phone can also do the trick...I apparently didn't learn my lesson the first time when she ruined it and I had to get a new one.
I found your blog through Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds blog. We adopted our son from Vietnam, too. Your little girl is so pretty. Looks like you do a lot of the same family fun stuff we do here in GA. I enjoyed reading through your blog.
She is so pretty Anne! I love the black and white picture of her looking up. I have the fear of my daughter being 6 foot tall or taller someday and an even bigger fear of her being taller than me at age 5! Her daddy is 6'5" and she measured in at 30 inches at her 9 month check!
Thanks Missy!
Miss Lily's going to be a supermodel someday with how "tall" she is already! :)
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