I was hoping for the best today but still a bit nervous...I didn't want her to lose the awesome breakfast she had just eaten. ;)
She ended up doing soooooo well!!! I was pleasantly surprised. Not only did she not cry or throw up, she even felt comfortable enough to color and play with toys while we waited. She happily scooted against the wall to be measured and walked to the scale all by herself. Usually at this point, she's hysterical and needs to be carried. She also talked (a little) to the nurse and Dr. Davey AND gave out a few high-fives. :) She did get a bit nervous part way through, but we were able to reassure her and calm her back down. She still sat on our laps (the exam table was out of the question) but she let the doctor check her out without a peep. Dean and I were really proud of her. The only thing she refused to do was open her mouth and say "ahhh." Darn it. We practiced! Dean snapped some cute pictures of her while we were there--they gave her a gown to wear so she didn't have to run around naked. It was adorable!

She was up to date on her immunizations and she's now old enough for the flu-mist, so we got away with no shots. Bonus! She made the funniest face when the nurse squeezed the mist into her nose and after a couple seconds, she said, "Mmm!" Does that stuff taste good when it runs down your throat?
Everything looked great...she's a healthy little 2-year old. Great news, as always. She is 34 1/4 inches tall (61st percentile) and is 25.8 pounds (38th percentile)...taller than she is round. Sounds about right. :) And her head is in the 94th percentile. I think that's the lowest it's ever been. Dr. Davey said her language skills and vocabulary are above average at this point and she is right on track with all other developmental skills.
Today's appointment was a complete 180 from all past appointments...and I'm thrilled about it. Happy day. :)
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