I need to go through my blog entries while I was pregnant with Ayla to make sure, but I feel like there's less movement from PIP-2. Any chance I get, I sit with my hands on my belly to hopefully feel him/her move. I usually end up feeling something but it takes quite a while. With Ayla, I'd sit down and within a couple minutes, she'd be dancing away. At her 20-week ultrasound, the technician laughed at how active she was. I realize it's still pretty early though and I'm sure there's lots of movement I can't feel just yet. I'm soooo looking forward to seeing this baby during our ultrasound.
Lately, I've been leaning toward thinking it's a boy...maybe I said that in a previous post, but it seems as soon as I think it's one sex, I switch to the other. There are some differences with this pregnancy...although nothing major, they are still differences. I've noticed that from my view, looking down at my belly, it looks pointier than with Ayla...with her, it was just round all over. This time it just juts out in the front. I think the only reason why I might think it's a girl is because my mom's crazy Chinese birth chart says so. Silly, I know...but still.
Only 18 more days until we find out! Then we can move forward in getting ready for this baby--getting our office cleaned out and making it into a new nursery--right now, by the looks of it, we could quite possibly be on an episode of Hoarders. Totally embarrassing. It's a complete disaster. It'll feel good to have it all cleaned out and turned into a functional room. And we can also start thinking about names. :)
When I announced I was pregnant Erika pulled out the Chinese birth chart and it said I was having a girl...I obviously ended up with a boy :).
Yah yah...it's not perfect...I bet Anne's mom has a real one though--not the google variety:)
Oooooh names...my fav part!!!!!
Can't wait to hear and can't wait to see you guys in a month! We need to start planning ;)
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