Most of you have already heard from us and know the news. I had my ultrasound yesterday morning and we found out that we're going to have another little lady in the house. Dean and I both thought it was going to be a boy...we really didn't care either way, but we just had it in our minds that PIP would be a "he" this time. I had myself all geared up and ready for that fact that I would have a little boy. I was already eyeing the baby boy section at Target...totally not as fun as the girls' stuff, by the way.
I was really anxious and nervous for the ultrasound for some reason. I think I just wanted everything to be okay. As soon as the image of PIP popped up onto the screen, I was in love and immediately did not care if it was a boy or a girl. Whatever it was, I loved it and more than anything, wanted him or her to be healthy. I had to blink away the tears so I could see what was going on. For the next 45 minutes, we were able to watch this little baby kick and bounce around. What a miracle. It took a while for the ultrasound tech to be able to see clearly in between PIP's legs. Finally, after some moving around, she announced that it was another little girl. I am excited for us and especially for Ayla. Growing up, I always wished that I had a sister (in addition to my big brother, of course). I am now lucky enough to have one, soon-to-be two, amazing women I get to call my sisters-in-law. I am thrilled that I will have two beautiful daughters. I hope they will grow up to be close. We have had so much fun with Ayla and already can't wait to see what this new little girl is going to look like and what kind of personality she will have.
The tech said everything looked great, but I wanted to hear it from Dr.Bishop after she had reviewed all the data and images. I was thankful to hear, once again, that all is well. She said everything is right on track and she is a healthy baby. However, my due date has been adjusted by a week. It was originally March 15th, but it's now March 22nd. Dr. Bishop said she normally doesn't go by what the ultrasound measures, but because I'm planning on attempting a VBAC (vaginal birth after Cesarean), she'd rather go with the later date to be on the safe side. A week is not that big of deal, I suppose. Ayla was 13 days early, so maybe this one will be as well. The only thing that bugs me (which I have to admit is a little silly) is that my belly pic posts are now all off by a week. I don't feel like adjusting them, so let's just pretend that my due date is still the 15th, okay?

Not going to lie--this next one freaks me out a bit. I almost didn't post it, but what the heck.
Her feet looked HUGE! Just like Ayla's, her toes look to be all the same length.

A couple of these pictures decided to rotate themselves once they were uploaded and I can't seem to fix them. I'm about to fight my computer so I'm just going to leave them the way they are.
It's a girl!