This morning, Ping and Surina let me come over to their house to take pictures of little five-day old Makayla. She was my guinea pig, as I have never taken newborn photos besides the typical snapshots that anyone would take. I arrived with a laundry basket full of blankets, backdrops, hats, scarves, and flowers. I also brought my spaceheater and raised the temperature of their living room to a balmy 80 degrees to keep her warm. I didn't know what the heck I was doing and just decided to dive in. These are several of my favorite shots...isn't she beautiful? Afterwards, I scooped her up and sat down on the couch. I forgot how wonderful it was to hold such a tiny little baby.
I was born and raised in Omaha...I love it here!
My husband Dean and I met in college and we've been married since April 2005. Dean is a regional account manager for Aerotek and I run a family restaurant called Ming's with my older brother.
On October 3, 2008, we welcomed our little baby girl into the world. Ayla Ming Peterson is the new love of our lives.
Baby girl #2, Aubree Elizabeth, arrived right on time on March 22, 2011.
We also have a furry, 75-lb, 4-legged baby named Kody...he's the sweetest dog you'll ever meet.
Life is great...we couldn't be more blessed.
Those are great photos! I wish you lived closer to me...I would have you do my baby's newborn pics!
Great Job, Anne!! The pictures look great! Very professional! You and Erika have such a great talent for it! :)
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