Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Anyone else getting completely destroyed by allergies right now? Man. They. Are. Awful.

I went to Walgreens and asked the pharmacist what I could take in order for my nose to no longer feel like it had bugs crawling in it.

He looked at me all funny.

My friends, Claritin-D and Alavert-D have provided me with a bit of relief, but I can already tell that their effectiveness is quickly wearing off. My body seems to get used to allergy meds to the point where they no longer do anything for me.

Ayla listens to me sneeze all day long...a few weeks ago, she started saying "BLOSS!" after I sneezed, but it has since turned into an actual "Bless you!" How cute. :) She says it after each sneeze, but I'm sure she'll soon learn (just like everyone else) to wait until I'm completely done. I'm a serial sneezer, you see. Four or five sneezes in a row is the norm.

I'm really really hoping, with fingers crossed, that this doesn't last for too much longer. Blah. Until it ends, I will continue on as a stuffed up, snotty, mouth-breather with eyes that look like they have been punched. Pretty.


Anonymous said...


You have a nice blog. I just thought of mentioning about this website www.dustmitesallergies.org. They seem to offer specialized advice of dust mite allergy.

Erika said...

Hey you. I have the same problem...went to the doc and begged for mercy...kidding but I told him the meds aren't helping. He gave me a cortizone shot. We'll see. Worth trying:)

The Wannabe Redhead said...

You know my trials and tribulations with allergies, Anne, but I feel obliged to comment. I'm on a nasal spray, eye drops, a prescription allergy med (and sometimes supplement that with a Wal-itin), and I do the Sinus Rinse daily- and I still feel horrible! I feel for ya, honey! I get that look from the pharmacist all the time...so it's not just you. Hang in there!

Bri said...

There is a good chance that the pollen count is just too high for the medications to have a chance in heck of combating your symptoms. Advice: take your antihistamine of choice every day, keep your house closed up and your air filters changed to keep the pollen out, and if you use an OTC nasal spray other than saline, don't use it any longer than 3 days or you will get rebound congestion. You can hit up the doctor and get prescription steroid nasal spray or eye drops if that helps as well.

~ Your friendly pharmacist :)