My beautiful new niece was born today at 2:30 p.m. measuring in at 7 lbs. 15 oz. and 20 inches long. Mom and baby are both doing well. We hear she is a little drama queen already. :) And she has a mighty set of lungs...

I anxiously waited for Dean to come home from work so we could head to the hospital to see her. I couldn't wait to hold her! She is so cute...she looks so much like Haylee and Bennett both did when they were born. While I was holding her, I knelt down so Ayla could see her. We weren't really sure how she'd react, but she walked over with a smile on her face and kept saying, "baby!" and wanted to touch her. However, when I plopped her on the bed and Surina put the baby on her lap, she had the strangest little scowl on her face as she stared at her new cousin. I think they will grow up to be buddies since they're only a year and a half apart.
Look at Ayla's face...
Stay tuned for more pictures of Miss Makayla once they are all home and settled in...
These pictures are from this morning at my parents' house:

Check out her new sandals!
we had the same sandals last summer! camryn can still squeeze into them but they will probably only last through spring. so cute!
Tell Ping & Surina "congratulations" for me! The look on Ayla's face is too funny.
BTW, I left you this award-thing on my blog. I don't know how you feel about blog awards/tags, but I thought I'd let you know. You can take it or leave it :)
Your little niece is adorable!! Congratulations! :)
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