Monday, March 3, 2014

School carnival

This past Friday night, we went to Ayla's school carnival.  There were a couple of bounce houses and several games for the kids to play.  For dinner, the Pancake Man was there.  I've heard of this guy but I've never seen him.  He has this huuuuge skillet with this contraption that runs the length of it that drops pancake mix as he moves it across the skillet.  Once the pancakes are done, you have the option of just taking a plate of them OR you can stand about 12 feet away with an empty plate and catch your meal as he flings pancakes across the room. :)  The girls had a blast...Aubree started to wane toward the end as you will see in the pictures but we pretty much had to drag Ayla out of there.  Anytime she's having a good time, it's a struggle to get her to leave.  It's like me in the clearance racks at Target.  I get it. I do.

Book walk!

Here's where she starts to lose it.

And now she's really ready for bed.

Rocking the disheveled look.

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