Monday, May 9, 2011

Spending the day at Yeh-Yeh & Nai-Nai's

I packed up the girls this morning for one more day at my parents' house before they leave for their trip to Taiwan.  Much to Ayla's delight, her cousin Bennett decided to come play too.
We went outside and threw some water balloons...always fun. :) Ayla is a chit-chatter.  She's always liked to talk but wow, she really doesn't stop nowadays.  If she's not talking to another person, she's talking to herself.  It's pretty entertaining to listen to.  She makes up stories and bosses her dolls around...some of the things she says sound...ahem...strangely familiar.  Funny what she picks up on. :)  Her imagination is in full swing right now.

I had a great Mother's Day!  Dean let me sleep was wonderful!  We went to lunch with my parents and in the afternoon, I went shopping all by myself for a couple of hours.  I really needed it. It felt soooo nice to get out and have some time to myself.  It was an instant recharge.  We then went over to Dean's parents' for dinner.  Dean snapped a couple pictures of me with my little ladies...I'll post them once I get them uploaded.  I hope all of you amazing mothers had a good day deserve it!

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