Ayla loves all things laundry. I'm not sure where it came from because I despise it. She likes helping me toss dirty clothes from her hamper into the washer and then transferring the clothes from the washer into the dryer. It may take longer, but it actually does help me. :) Earlier this week, she wanted to help "fold" clothes. Now if I could only teach her how to put it all away. ;)

Playing doctor with her little sister.

"Ughhhh, mom, why do you make me do this?"

Our friend, Chris, was back in town for the weekend for another friend's wedding. He came over to meet Aubree for the first time.

You can always send Ayla over to my house...I have lots of laundry that needs to be folded! :)
The 13m old I watch loves helping with the laundry-she will put in and remove from the machines as well. She even pretends to fold and loves putting them in the dressers, it's so funny!
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