Dean asked what I was looking at so I showed him and he said if I really wanted one, to get one. I think it may have been the martinis talking. I did some more browsing and found one on's a design that's a couple years old, I think, so it's difficult to find. The signature brown fabric with teal trim. It's beautiful. It's the one purse that actually makes me drool every time I see it.

I didn't think there was a chance I was going to win it since I put the lowest possible bid on it.
I received an e-mail the next morning that congratulated me on being the winner.
I always swore I would never spend that much money on a purse...but I suppose there's a first time for everything. Happy early birthday to me.
I am so proud of you Anne :p Its super cute!!! You are starting a very expensive habit!!! Trust me I know about about this sickness!!!
I know, Surina! There's one with HOT PINK trim that I already have my eye on. I am not getting it though...not now anyways. :)
Welcome to the dark side ;)
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