Ayla had slept through the night all week and decided to end the streak and wake up for a couple hours on Friday night. Dean and I ended up with only a few hours of sleep which was unfortunate because we knew we would be up late on Saturday night.
On Saturday, we had Dean's team from work over to our house (five people plus significant others and his boss...thirteen of us all together) to celebrate a successful 2009. We had pizza and a few drinks and an Excursion limo picked us up for a night on the town. We stopped at a couple of different bars and the casino. It was a really fun night...we were up until 3:45 in the morning. That part was no good. I was a freaking zombie the next day.
And speaking of the next day-Sunday-I was in a pretty rotten mood. Ayla was also way off. She refused to nap. She cried and cried and cried and ended up throwing up three or four times. Throwing up basically nothing because she ate next to nothing yesterday. I was at my wits end. I know you're all sick of me talking about her not eating...but seriously, I have gone completely nuts because of it. It's soooooo difficult to deal with and extremely frustrating. I sat on the internet last night and tried to find some helpful hints. Hints that didn't include the typical "she'll eat when she's hungry" line. Not my child. I found a few things and also a couple of books that I might get. I need to do something to make a change because I'm not kidding-I'm thisclose to going totally ape-shit crazy.
As we speak, my parents are beginning their trip home from Taiwan. They will be here tomorrow evening. I really can't believe my two weeks home are nearly over. I knew it would go fast. :( I suppose it'll be nice to get back into the real world and it'll be even more nice to quit spending so much money at SuperTarget (out of boredom).
My parents got these funky little shoes for her in Taiwan several months ago. Ever since she started walking, she loves slipping them on and clomping around the house. They're still big on her but they finally aren't falling off every couple of steps.

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