Four years ago on this day, we were married on a perfectly
gorgeous spring day with all of our best friends and family members in our presence. I always tell Dean that it was the best wedding I've ever been to. ;)

Four years later, we have a beautiful baby girl and we couldn't be happier. We certainly have our ups and downs, but we've learned to work as a team...a damn good team if I say so myself. He's not only my husband, he's my partner-in-crime, my cheerer-upper, my comedian, my best friend...and I love him...farts, burps, and all. :)

Tonight, Grandma and Grandp are coming over to watch Ayla and
we're going on a date! I am
so excited!
Happy Anniversary Anne & Dean!!! :) I remember that day! It was definitely a fun wedding! ;) I love those pictures!
Have fun on your date!! You both deserve it ;)
Happy Anniversary!! I can't believe it's been 4 years! Congrats!
I can't believe it's been four years already!!! I will give you credit too...it was the best wedding I have been to and the most fun!! Remember how little Jayce was and him break dancing on the dance floor!! He told me tonight that he kind of remembers your wedding, parts of it anyways! Happy Anniversary!
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