Dr.Davey gave us the okay to give Ayla biter biscuits for teething and also for learning how to feed herself. I've been looking for the Gerber brand ones for a while but haven't had any luck. SuperTarget carried them for a while, but of course when I decided to buy some, they were no longer available. I may have to check Babies R Us. So anyways, I found a different brand that I assumed were comparable (Earth's Best Organic Teething Biscuits). Once she figured out that it was something to eat and not a toy to bang on the highchair, she loved it! And Dr.Davey wasn't kidding about it being messy...there was sticky drool everywhere! I had to fight the urge to wipe her off every two seconds and just let her go at it.

We've also been trying Gerber Puffs...I need to get a picture of her face when she has one in her mouth. It's so funny! I think the texture bothers her at first because up until this point, everything she has eaten has been soft. She squeezes her eyes shut and wrinkles up her entire face like I just gave her the grossest thing ever but once it starts to melt, she
might like them. I'm sure with time, she won't be able to get enough of them.
Ohh, how cute! She looks like she loves the biscuit. By the way, that brand is wonderful. In fact, it's the only type of store bought baby food I give to my baby girl.
Now I think I have to try the teething biscuits with my little girl too, haha.
Hi Anne!!
Ayla is getting so much older!! I can't believe she is on to teething biscuits! She is adorable! I love all the pictures and the posts! :)
What a sweet pea! She's seeming so grown up. We also used that brand and were very happy with it. Ayla's favorite puffs were the sweet potato flavor, she loved them and would say "Mmmmmm" every time she managed to get one in her mouth.
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