Every single day I have a moment...a moment where this feeling of total awe washes over me when I look at her and I shake my head in disbelief that she's here and she's ours. It didn't seem that long ago that I was hoping and praying for that positive pregnancy test...life is amazing, isn't it?
I've taken the advice of many to enjoy each day and each moment as it happens because we all know how quickly time passes us by. Sometimes when I'm holding her and trying to get her to nap and all she's doing is crying, I think about how anxious I am for her to fall asleep so I can put her down and get things done around the house, but during that blessed moment when the crying stops and she finally falls asleep, I don't want to do anything but hold her. Sigh. She's my little lovebug.
6-month Ayla tidbits:
-She is officially binky-free.
-She is going to bed between 8:oo and 8:30pm.
-She is sleeping through the night (10-11 hours) with no crying.
-She is rolling all over the place.
-She can sit unassisted for a few seconds before toppling over.
-She "PBBFTTT"s all day long (sticks out her tongue and blows spit everywhere)...she does it when she's full, happy, upset, crying, tired, etc.
-She recognizes her bottles and also the bowls I use to feed her. If she's really hungry, she gets all excited and says, "Ooh!"
-She loves her "jumperoo" and is entertained by it longer than anything else.
-She loves Kody even more...he's her buddy.
-She loves to stare at her hands and feet.
-She laughs and giggles at the goofiest things...it's the sweetest thing ever.
-She needs to be held and cuddled for several minutes after waking up. She'd much rather sit in a dirty diaper for a while rather than be put down, even for a second.
-She likes to be read to...she enjoys looking at all the pictures. We've made it a part of her bedtime routine.
-She's fascinated with my cell phone.
-She loves "dessert"...takes after her mama. :)
-She reaches for and tries to grab everything in sight.
-She adores her Glo-Worm...he's often a lifesaver.
Plain and simple...she is amazing.
These pics are adorable!! I am so happy that you have broke her of the binky! congrats. I think I might have to get that book you were taling about (I don't have that one!!). Ayla has grown to such a beautiful little girl! Let's get together again sometime this month!
Oh my Anne, she is absolutely gorgeous!
Thank you! :) I've been experimenting with our camera (finally).
Anne, these are great pics! Ayla is gorgeous!!!
Hope to see you guys soon. Thanks for the sweet comment on the photo blog.
Take care,
Hi Anne,
What a sweet entry! She is so lucky for parents like you both! :)
Those pictures are amazing!
They really look like they were professionally taken :) Good Job!
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