Sooo, last night swaddling Ayla with her arms out went just about the same as last time...fell asleep quickly, up at midnight, several trips to and from her room...finally at 3:50am, we decided to let her figure it out even if it meant without her pacifier since she kept pulling it out of her mouth. We let her "cry it out"...it was the longest hour of my life. At first, she was just fussing but it eventually turned into a real cry. I felt so bad, but she really needs to learn to sleep without relying on a full-body swaddle and a pacifier...I know it's OUR fault, not hers, but we're trying to help her. She finally fell asleep around 5:00am...she made a few noises, but slept until almost 8:00am. Right now, it's no surprise that she's taking a nice long nap because she slept so poorly last night. Dean and I are both sportin' bags under our eyes and probably will be for the next few days so if you see us and we look like we've been hit by a truck, this is why. I hear that when you let them cry it out, the duration of crying lessens with each night and within a week, they'll become accustomed to falling asleep on their own. Let's hope this is true...
I mentioned yesterday that I was going to have Ayla try chicken noodle for dinner...it was no good. :( She took a few bites and threw up...a lot. She just had to break in her new highchair, I think, because it was all over it. I tried a couple more bites after we took a break and her eyes started watering and she started gagging again so I didn't want to push it anymore. It was really bland so I'm surprised she didn't care for it. I tossed the jar and gave her green beans instead. I'm going to try a few more flavors and if I get the same reaction, we're going to skip the meats and just stick with fruits and veggies.
Hey Anne! Sounds like kind of a rough day. We had to do the same thing with Grace when we took away the pacifier, it wasn't till 15 months or so, but the same "cry it out" method at night. I think Ayla will catch on quick and learn to get to sleep with being swaddled...hard to listen to though, isn't it. Feels like it's never gonna end, but it does! Poor thing--and poor you and Dean!! Hang in there-you're doing the right thing:)
Oh and the girls hated the "meat in a jar" stuff too, there's just something not right about it:)
Good luck tonight!
Thanks Erika! We need all the encouragement we can get...last night as both of us were lying in bed wide awake at 4 in the morning listening to her scream, we felt like horrible parents! :( I know it won't be fun for the next several days, but hopefully the outcome will prove that it's all been worth it!
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