Next week, I get to stay home with her again. My dad went back to Taiwan and my mom is joining him on Monday. She had planned on staying home, but since my dad has been there, he had his heart checked out because of some pain and discomfort he has been feeling lately. He really wanted my mom to be there with him. After several tests and scans, he found out that his arteries were spasming and there wasn't enough oxygen getting through??? He is now on medication and the doctor seems confident that it's not serious. However, he didn't seem to get very much information on what was going on...everything my mom asked, he said he didn't know...SO, they're planning on going back to the doctor so my mom can get everything answered. Thank you to everyone who has been thinking about him...we've talked to him on Skype (video call) and he seems to be in good spirits. He doesn't really care to talk to my mom and me...he just wants to see Ayla and coo at her. It's cute. :)
Hopefully Jim Flowers isn't kidding when he says the weather is supposed to be beautiful next week...70 degrees on Monday and Tuesday! I want to take advantage of my time off and take Ayla outside...maybe stroll around at Village Pointe and get some fresh air. I've been so anxious for spring!
Here are some random pictures:
Taking a snooze in the car after Grandma's b-day brunch at Mahoney.

Is it bright in here?
Killing time while we wait for Daddy to get home from Florida.
Silly Daddy!
Quick family pic before bath-time.
Naked baby!
Warm and snuggly in a robe after her bath.
Playtime at Yeh-Yeh & Nai-Nai's.

Ayla is a BEAUTIFUL baby Anne. Honestly, there are cute babies and beautiful babies. I love reading your blog and getting to know you, Ayla, and Dean better.
Come and visit us in NC!
I love the family pic and the one below it. She has such big beautiful eyes :)
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