As a trade-off, I got her high-chair out of the storage room and fed her lunch in it for the first time. It worked out just great! What a big girl! :) I strapped her in, put a toy on the tray, and she kept herself busy long enough for me to feed her a whole bowl of food. After feeding her both fruits and veggies for the past couple of weeks, it seems like she actually likes vegetables more than fruits. A little surprising! I think, maybe, she doesn't care for the tartness of fruit...every now and then, she makes that sour face where one eye shuts and she sticks her tongue out. Today, she happily gobbled up her peas but was pbbft-ing her fruit before the bowl was finished.

Last night, Ayla woke up fussing and when we went in to check on her, we found that she had rolled over while swaddled and couldn't roll back since her arms were in the swaddle. It was scary because her face was just flat on the mattress. Because of that we are, once again, going to try keeping her arms out of the swaddle so she has the ability to move if she needs to. Last time, as you all know, it didn't go so well...so wish us luck!
And just a side-note...most of you have heard that my parents are in Taiwan right now and that my dad has to have surgery at the end of the week because of a clogged coronary artery. We are hoping that one of the two minimally invasive procedures will be enough to fix it...if not, he will have to have a bypass. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. We can't wait to have him home and healthy.
Wow, she IS getting big...how much does she weigh now?
I talked to Ping yesterday and he filled me in on your dad's health concerns. I hope his surgery went well, he's in our prayers.
She's around 17 pounds, I think! Her 6-month appointment is on April 7th...it'll be interesting to find out what her stats are. :)
And thanks so much for thinking about my dad...we appreciate it.
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