After a two-month hiatus, Ayla has decided to start rolling again. I'm thinking the couple of times she did it back in January were just practice runs. :) The past few days, everytime I lay her on the ground, she rolls right onto her belly...not always a good thing when it's after she eats and we get to see round two of rice cereal and peas. Mmm.
We finally made it to the new Hobby Lobby near our house this week (I'm a dork...I love that store.) We picked up this cute baseball hat:

And we also got a few things to decorate some headbands.
Craft time! I had to buy headbands in the regular section...all the baby ones were far too tight for her 82nd percentile-sized noggin. They all left painful-looking indentations on her poor head!

that is exciting that she is rolling again...that day we were at your house when Paxton was almost rolling onto his tummy...well, he hasn't even attempted to again. I think our babies are good influences on each other!!
I'm not sure that we did anything to make her sleep with her arms out. When we would wrap her arms up she would wiggle around until she got her arms out and then she would relax. So once we stopped wrapping them she didn't wiggle like crazy before she went to sleep.
Isn't it fun to see them roll around. Right now that is Jessica's main form of transportation when I lay her down. She rolls all over the room.
The 82nd percentile head is probably what makes me think that Ayla looks older then Jessica and her 10th percentile head. It is funny to see her little head on her super chunky body. So cute though!
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