She is doing remarkably well without her pacifier at night. She'll wake up a couple times, but has, for the most part, been able to talk herself back to sleep. Sometimes she needs a few pats and all is well again.
Since she's not waking up several times a night constantly looking for her pacifier, she has been sleeping better and wakes up even happier than she did before! We'll hear her in her crib talking and cooing in the morning...it's so cute!
When we decided to go binky-free, I was so incredibly worried about how she'd sleep overnight, but she has really surprised us. Her naps, on the other hand, have been really difficult. It has been frustrating for me and I've almost caved a couple times, but have had some encouraging words from several friends so I've stuck with it. I've gone too far to quit now! She hasn't been taking her usual long nap the past couple of days but she doesn't act tired and is pretty alert. Maybe she's just going through some changes and it happens to be at the same time as her pacifier-weaning. OR maybe since she's sleeping better at night, she doesn't need such a long nap during the day?
We'll see how this next week goes...one day at a time. :)
She's adorable! I'm glad we got a chance to see each other this weekend! It was fun!!
Oh, my! She is a doll-baby.
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