While we waited for them, we went into DSW and I finally used a gift card that I've been hoarding since Christmas. It was from the wonderful people from work...whenever I receive a gift card, I wait until I find just the right thing. I've been drooling over a gorgeous pair of shoes, but those pair of shoes equal about nine months worth of formula for Miss Ayla...so we went with these instead and I LOVE LOVE LOVE them!
After we met up with Taylor, Paige, and Paxton, we walked around, stopped in a couple stores, and just enjoyed the beautiful day. 
Right now, I have one tired baby and dog...both are sound asleep!

Eventually, we decided to head back to our house to feed and change the babies...we even squeezed in a couple catnaps. Once they were all relatively happy, we went for a walk on the trail through the neighborhood. We started out okay, but towards the end, we had some upset babies! It was a bit of a circus for a little while. At one point, I was holding Ayla with one arm and pushing the stroller and hanging onto Kody's leash with the other and Taylor was holding Paige and pushing their stroller with Paxton in it and she took a turn with Kody, too. I'm sure we were quite a sight. :) It was fun though and just need to do it more often as the weather continues to warm up.

Ayla looks like such a happy baby. Love the first picture :)
Gorgeous shoes! Glad you found a pair. You can't beat a gift certificate purchase, either. I found another pair of shoes I'm dying to buy (thank you, tax return) and I think I'm going to try them on when I go to Boston this weekend. The only problem is Bob - he'll kill me if I buy another pair of shoes. I swear, my shoe obsession has become a little out of control.
Glad the weather is nice in Omaha. It has been rainy and dreary out here for at least a week now. It puts me in such a bad mood.
Sorry this is so long...I'm kind of continuing our facebook conversation here :) I really hope I have the opportunity to come back to Omaha this summer and see you all and finally meet Ayla. Take care!
Ayla is SO GORGEOUS! I can't wait to see you guys again...hopefully it's soon!!
(Yeah for nice weather!!)
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