Here are some random tidbits about Aubree right now:
-She is sleeping five to seven hour stretches overnight, which is awesome. There have been a couple occasions when we put her pacifier back in and she sleeps even longer. She usually goes down around 10:00 p.m., give or take a half an hour. After she wakes up to eat between 3:00 and 5:00 a.m., she goes back to bed pretty easily.
-She is still our happy, chill, little baby...still really only crying when she's hungry or tired. I've discovered that she cries the loudest and the hardest when she's really tired. At that point, we swaddle her and before the first fold is even tucked in, she's calm. Even when she doesn't want to sleep and is a little fussy, swaddling helps.
-She smiles a lot now and we've gotten her to laugh a few times. Just this morning, I had her on my lap facing me and I sneezed several times and it made her laugh. :) I pretended to sneeze a few more times and she continued to giggle. Sweetest sound in the world.
-She is just about at that point where I have trouble holding her in one arm if she's laying down. She's sooo long. It kind of makes me sad...she's growing so fast.
-She loves her big sister. Ayla doesn't even have to say anything to her and she'll have a smile on her face.
-She's cooing a lot lately. Usually after her bottle, she'll lay on the ground, stare at her hands and talk to us.
-She hates being in the car. Pretty much everytime we're in the car, she cries at one point or another. She'll freak out until she finally falls asleep. Poor thing.
-She still doesn't like tummy time, but she's able to hold her head up so well now. She loves sitting upright and being able to look around.
-She loves to suck on her fingers. She hasn't quite found her thumb yet, which is okay with me. A pacifier is much easier to get rid of than a thumb.
She is so amazing and we love her oh-so-much. What did we ever do without this sweet little face?

1 comment:
haha! just popped in. aubree is too cute! gunnar looked at the first picture and said "i want one of those babies just like that." if i could only get the hubby to say the same :P
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