Until I learn how to manage my time, I'm going to continue to post these entries that are just a mish-mash of a bunch of random pictures I've taken since the last post. Better than nothing, right? Ayla and Aubree's Great Grandma, Great Grandpa, and Great Aunt Sandy have been in town from Ohio for the past few days. It's always wonderful to see them. It was their first time meeting Aubree.
Reading with Great Grandpa
Ayla has figured out that if she squeezes a wipe, "soap" comes out. This is what she uses to bathe her babies in her kitchen sink.

She grabbed a bunch of things from her bed and made a little nest in her toy corner. She was pretending to take a nap...very rare, quiet moment. :)

Everyone came over last night for a shrimp boil...sooo good.

Cool chick.
Staring out the front door...poor child has been stuck at home with me for too long.
Since Aubree was born, she's been very into her babies.
I forget how much they sleep in the beginning!

We're going on three weeks now and things are slowly becoming more normal. I will admit that I've cried more these past three weeks than I have in a long time. I'm not ashamed of it...I'm human. Aubree has been able to go just a bit longer in between feedings the past few days. Before, it was every hour and a half to two hours at most. Now it's two to three hours. She's also starting to eat a tiny bit more each time. Last night, she did really well. Ate at 10:40 and didn't wake to eat again until after 3:00 a.m. and then went until 7:15 this morning. Just like her sister, she's an extremely loud sleeper. All of her squeaks and squeals keep me up for what feels like most of the night. Once she's consistently just waking up once in the middle of the night to eat, we're going to move her to her room.
Ayla continues to test us. I wish I was handling it better than I am. She's never been a tantrum-thrower until now. I know it's part-toddler, part-adjusting-t0-Aubree. When she gets into one of her moods, EVERY. Single. Thing. is a battle. I absolutely refuse to give in to her tantrums and whining. It may make that moment really difficult, but I believe that in the long run, it'll make our lives easier. She needs to learn that it's not okay to behave like that. It makes me feel really mean a lot of the time...at the end of the night after she goes to bed, I'm just drained and feel so awful that we butted heads for a lot of the day. It makes me sad. It really does. I don't want her to not like me, but I know it's what I have to do. I have to set my foot down and I also have to continue to be patient and pick and choose my battles. When Aubree doesn't need anything, I try to give her that time so she knows that she's still important. Hopefully the tantrums will leave as quickly as they came...
Fedding where the same with Hay abd B and even lke maybe an hour at most at times! Remember all the crying spells I went through but if over comes you see you Doctor for it! It is very common and not something to look down on! I wish you the best and always widhed I could'ce used that names and my Grandma's name is Audrey. Try to focus on the positive and if not get out of the house with them and have adult interaction...it'd so important!
I could have written the bottom of your post myself! I am going through the same thing with feeding so often. She sometimes goes 2 hours, sometimes its 45 minutes! My toddler is definitely testing me all day long most of the time. This is just a phase right? Things will get better. I think the newborn phase is especially hard and have to remind myself she will sleep all night someday! Hang in there.
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