I've been terrible at taking pictures of Ayla this month. I'd love to take her outside to play in the snow and snap a few, but it's been
way too cold for that.

Dean took her downtown to meet Aunt Marla and Grandpa for the car show this morning and let her run around and "test drive" a few cars.

Rockin' Daddy's hat

Potty update: She has been doing so well! Accidents are happening less and less and if we're out for a short amount of time, she comes home dry. If we're out longer though, she still will say she has to go but then refuses to even sit on the toilet and asks for her little potty. Eventually, can't hold it any longer and ends up going in her Pull-Up. (We call Pull-Ups her "going out underwear" and when we're at home, she wears regular underwear). Erika and Taylor--I think I
will have to try the fold-up potty seat for when we're out. I'm not sure what else I can do to ease her fears about it.
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