I used the self-timer on my camera today to take my belly pic so that's why it looks a lil different. I had the camera propped up on the couch with a bowl, piece of tile, and a throw pillow. It worked. Kind of. :)

And just for sh*ts and giggles, I came across this next picture. Remember when I looked like this? Ha. I don't. Talk about instant depression. This was my very first belly pic while I was pregnant with Ayla nearly three years ago...8 weeks along. Hmph. Crazy skinny bitch.

So anyways. I just got home from my check-up and everything is still going well. Amazingly, I did not gain any weight since my last appointment two weeks ago. I'm shocked. Dr. Bishop asked me a couple times if I was eating well and I laughed at her and said o
h yes. I asked her how much I gained, thinking it was going to be a lot if she mentioned eating twice. Nothing, she said. Weird. I decided to stop at McDonald's for a chocolate shake on the way home. :) I really feel like my belly has gotten sooo much bigger this last week. PIP loves to be right up against my ribs...those little knees and elbows are very busy in there. My ankles and feet still look like ankles and feet...no swelling yet, thank goodness. Eventhough I only work a few hours a day, my back has started to ache by the end...nothing excruciating, just a bit bothersome. That's my only complaint, so I think I'm doing pretty well.
Dean and I are heading to Cancun in the morning for his company incentive trip, so I wanted to get a final okay from Dr. Bishop to go. She said all is well and gave me a few pointers--obviously, don't drink the water, no fresh fruit or veggies (bummer), make sure everything is cooked, and on the plane, make sure I get up and pee and move my legs often enough. She sent me home with my medical records
just in case. I asked if she wanted to come with us
just in case. :) I'm looking forward to a few days of relaxation...the sun, the ocean, room service...this is our last trip before PIP comes and we enter the crazy world of having two children. As much as I need this break, I, of course, am going to miss my Ayla so so so much. I hope she isn't mad at us for leaving her when we get home. She loves being with both sets of grandparents though, so I think she'll have a good time.
You're still the skinniest b*tch I know:) Love ya and have FUN!!! See you when you get back!
Agreed, erika! Have fun, Anne! I'm totally jealous! I want to be in the warm weather and sun so bad!!!
Cute belly pic, by the way! I think you did a fab job! :)
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