We rented a two bedroom villa with a pool and a view...it was at the top of the biggest hill ever. We walked up and down it once and I thought I was going to pass out by the time we reached the top. I swear we were climbing at a 45 degree angle. If you were to trip and fall, I would bet that once you were down, you'd roll right down the hill with no chance of stopping. I was sore for the next two days...all from that 10-minute walk up the hill. Shows you how in shape I am.
We had a great week filled with awesome food, drinks, meeting new people, hanging out at the beach, and shopping. On our last full day there, we chartered a sailboat to bring us over to Jost Van Dyke (British Virgin Island). This is the fourth time I've been on a sailboat but the first time there has been enough wind to really sail without the motor being on. What an incredible feeling. There's nothing like sitting on a sailboat, in the Caribbean nonetheless, with my legs dangling over the edge and the wind in my hair while staring at the gorgeous scenery. It is so peaceful. I felt like I had to pinch myself every now and then. Lucky, lucky me. It always ends up being my favorite part of the trip.
I am in love with this island. Dean and I visited it for the first time five years ago for our honeymoon and we've been hooked ever since. It's the definition of relaxation...a really low-key type of place with the most beautiful beaches I have ever layed eyes on. The only negative thing about it is the fact that I get bit up. No amount of bug spray can keep the mosquitoes and no-see-ums away from me. For the entire week, my skin is an all-you-can-eat buffett for the little buggers. Sucks. I come home with dozens upon dozens of welts of all different sizes. And I have absolutely no will power, so I scratch and scratch and scratch. Miserable, yes. Worth it? Totally. I know Dean and I will continue to go there every few years. Before we even leave the island each time, we talk about when to go back.
It's a lot easier to leave though, knowing that Ayla is home waiting for us. I couldn't wait to see her and pick her up and cover her with kisses. Since we didn't get home until midnight, we had planned for her to stay with Grandma and Grandpa for one more night. After we got up this morning, we went to pick her up. Just a few months ago when we went to Cancun, she didn't really seem to care when we got home. This time, she actually was genuinely happy to see us. It was so cute. And when she saw me holding the little souvenirs we got her, she asked me to sit down and was excited to pull each little thing out of the bag. After she woke up from her nap, she was extremely clingy. She didn't want me to put her down and if I did, she didn't want me out of her sight. I don't know if she was afraid that I was going to leave again or what. She eventually snapped out of it by bedtime and was her usual self. Hopefully she wakes up in the morning in a good mood. :)
After over a month off, I'm heading back to work tomorrow. Boo. Pity party for me. It's been a great several weeks...I suppose it's time to join the real world again. :)
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