Friday afternoon, Ayla and I went over to my brother's house to swim...she was much more comfortable in this little kiddie pool as opposed to the actual pool. Dean ended up stopping by on his way home from work...always a nice surprise to see him earlier than normal.

Sunday morning, we got up and went out to breakfast...this is one of my favorite things to do on the weekends. Afterwards, we spent some time driving around and looking at houses. We're not planning on moving any time soon...we just like to look...and dream. We always end up in neighborhoods that have homes that could house ten of our houses.
Sunday night was our friends, Leah and Chris', wedding. We did not have a baby-sitter, so Miss Ayla went with us and had an absolute blast. She was running around like a madwoman. Such the little social butterfly she is. It was a beautiful wedding and Leah looked gorgeous...so classy and elegant. We were so busy running after Ayla, we didn't take a single picture. :( We let her go past her bedtime but decided to head out when she started to fuss a little bit. We figured it was better to go before a total meltdown ensued. Thank you, Leah and Chris, for a fun evening...we're sorry we couldn't stay late. Congrats to you both!
And yesterday, while Ayla was napping, I went on a solo-shopping trip. This doesn't happen too often...it felt so bizzarre to be out without her. I spent an hour and a half perusing the shelves and every single rack at TJMaxx. I left with only one dress and a book. Not too successful, but it was still fun.
We brought dinner over to Grandma and Grandpa's house (they had just gotten home from the cabin in Wisconsin) and had another nice evening. The weather has been unbelievably nice lately. I love it.

That picnic table and the girls sitting there with their sippy cups is too cute. Is the good weather there to stay in Omaha?
Will you be in town in a few weeks? Robert and I have to drive my car back to NE. We're planning the trip around the CWS. Would love to at least say hello :)
It's supposed to stay warm for a while but we're expecting some storms this week. Then again, they keep saying it's going to storm but it has yet to happen!
Darn it! I think we may miss you guys!!! We're going on a trip to the Virgin Islands the week of the CWS. We leave early on the 19th and get back on the 26th!
I hope you guys are doing well--I saw on your blog that you moved to Boston! That's great! :)
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