On Saturday, we went to the Farmers' Market again in the morning. We've really come to enjoy this each weekend. It's a great reason to be outside in the morning and it's fresh, local-grown produce. You really can't beat it. After Ayla's nap, we went to Heidi's 2nd birthday party. Can you believe she's already two? Where does the time go? There were lots of little ones running around and Heidi received a bunch of fun things. The Gonzales basement is the mecca of all things cool to kids (big and small). Saturday evening, Ayla went to Grandma and Grandpa's (again...seems like we ship her off quite often these days) so we could attend a surprise 30 1/2 birthday party. :) Something no one would ever expect, so it was a success.
And this morning, we met Meghan, Chris, and Heidi at the zoo. They go pretty often and we've been wanting to make it there, but it just hasn't worked out until now. I think Ayla was a little overwhelmed by it all...halfway through, she became very quiet and out of it. I don't think she knew what to think of it all. It was fun to show her all the animals that she's been learning since we went to the zoo last year when she really had no idea what was going on. I think she had a good time though...we ended up purchasing a membership so we can go whenever we want. I'm sure she'll grow to love it.
After we got home, we tried getting her down for a nap, but for whatever reason, it is so difficult to get her to nap without a fight over the weekend. Since I've been home with her, she does great during the week, but come Saturday and Sunday, it's no good. What's the deal? She's usually in bed and nearly asleep by 12:30 or 12:45...today, she didn't fall asleep until 2:15. I say this knowing that I will kick myself when it happens, but I'm kind of looking forward to when she no longer needs to take naps. It's smack-dab in the middle of the day and you have to plan just about everything around it. Again, I know I'll wish differently when she's up for 12 hours straight, driving me bonkers.

Kody, taking a much needed break during Ayla's nap...poor guy gets tugged on, yelled at, pushed, covered with blankets, you name it.

This is my last full week at home with Ayla. I'm starting to get really bummed about it. I'm excited for my parents to come home, but I'm not ready to give up my Ayla-time. The first couple days, I always think, "ohmigosh, what are we going to do all day, every day?" And now, it feels so normal...like I've never worked and I've always been home with her. By the time my mom and dad come home, I will have been home for 26 days. Crazy that I feel like it just began.
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