Ayla rolled over for the first time this morning at my parents' house!!! We all cheered and clapped so loud, I think it spooked her! Her little lower lip came out and she didn't want to have anything to do with it. For the past week and a half or so, she's been able to roll to her side so we figured it wouldn't be long until she made it all the way over. I called Dean at work to tell him about her new accomplishment and he later sent me an e-mail saying how he needed to look into baby gates...it made me giggle because at this point, it would probably take her hours to roll far enough to get to the stairs...goofy mental picture. :)
Lately, she's also learned how to make farty noises with her mouth, which in turn, creates lots and lots...and lots of lovely drooly bubbles. And once she has all these drooly bubbles in place, she finds something to stick in her mouth...her hand, sometimes both of them at the same time, her blankie, her bib, etc. So then the drooly bubbles pop and turn into drooly, drippy strings. Once that happens, she starts the cycle all over again with the farty noises. :) It seems to keep her entertained for quite a while...
Ans so the movement begins... Isn't it exciting? You have to catch it on video!
Lily is constantly making those farting noises and spitting bubbles...it is messy but oh so cute!
That is so exciting...I can't believe how big she is getting so fast! She is really a cutie!
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