Ayla is 3 months old! In the past few days, she has discovered the world of being upright...whether it's being propped up by pillows, "standing," or by being held vertically where she's able to peek over our shoulders, she loves checking out the world around her.

She has also really started to enjoy her playmat. If she has a full belly and a clean diaper, she'll happily kick and flail about in there for quite a while! It's so fun to watch...especially when she kicks at just the right spot to make the music go off.

She grabs at things, but I'm not sure that she realizes what she's doing yet. She'll end up with a fistful of my hair or the drawstring on my sweatshirt...she has an amazingly tight grip for being such a tiny person! She seems to want to "help" while she's being fed...her little hands are all over the bottle so it's a constant wrestling match between my pinky and her hands. If I just let her hands go, she manages to fling the bottle out of her mouth. Gone are the days where she would lay calmly with her hands folded ever so sweetly on her tummy. :)
Changing diapers has also gotten just a little bit trickier...she's a squirmy one. The best is when she frees one of her feet from our hands and dunks it RIGHT into the dirty diaper. Speaking of dirty diapers...yes, I'm actually going to talk about poo for just a second here. Now that she's completely on formula, HOOOOLY stink-ness!!! Breastmilk poo smelled like roses compared to this!
It's so exciting to witness the new things she does everyday and to discover different ways to make her smile and giggle...she thinks it's funny when we (lightly) blow in her face. :) Anything to elicit a display of happiness from her makes US even happier. I love when I go get her from her crib in the morning and she looks up at me and greets me with a smile. There's nothing better!

She's awesome. :)
I hear you on the whole wanting to help with the feeding. Jessica will massage me to help the milk flow. I am hoping to skip the whole formula poo issue. My nieces and nephews were formula fed and changing their diapers was not pleasant. The other day we had a nice blowout that ended with poo on everything, even in her armpits. Needless to say she got a bath after that.
I am glad things are going so well for you guys. Although motherhood is challenging there really is nothing better!!
She is just too cute! I can't believe she has changed so much - even in a few weeks! Before long, she'll be crawling around everywhere too!
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