That's how I felt all day yesterday. BLEH, with a capital B. On Saturday night, Dean and I rented a limo and we went out on the town with his team from work to celebrate a very successful year. So successful that he earned a trip to Cancun (we go the first week of February.) Long story short, I drank. Perhaps a wee bit too much. Oops. I even went to bed at a respectable hour and life STILL sucked the next day. I've quickly realized that a 28-going-on-29-year old body doesn't quite recover the same way a 19...ahem, I mean, 21-year old body did. I have vowed to pace myself while we're in Cancun so I don't waste any days away...
Speaking of Cancun, what am I going to do without Ayla for the SIX days that we're away?! She stayed with my parents on Saturday night (thanks Mom & Dad!) when we went out and I missed her...that wasn't even 24-hours! Everyone keeps saying it'll be good for us (I know!) and we're very lucky to have both sets of parents to take care of her while we're gone so we have absolutely nothing to worry about. But still...I'm going to miss her like crazy.
Happy with Grandpa!

In her Valentine's Day outfit...we're going to have to find a new one since this one will probably be too small by then.

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