Tuesday, August 5, 2008

First Prepared Childbirth class...and a few other things

Dean and I went to our first Prepared Childbirth class last night. I think we were both a little weary about it because we didn't know what to expect. It turned out to be all right! We went through the usual dreaded introductions...there were 8 or 9 other couples in the class. Our friends, Bill and Taylor, who are expecting twins in November, happened to be one of them! We had no idea they would be in the same class, so that will be fun! The instructor went through what we should expect as the third trimester rolls along...discomforts and how to deal with them. She also talked about different relaxation, massage, and breathing techniques that will be useful during labor. Dean got the giggles a couple times during the class and once one of us gets them, it doesn't take long for the other to follow suit. Good thing we were sitting in the back corner! At the end of the class, all the dads had to give the moms neck and back massages. That was easily my favorite part. Overall, I think these classes will be good for us...some of the information may be pretty elementary, but it never hurts to hear it all again. I also know there will be lots of new things for us to learn as well. If anything, it's fun to know that for the next several weeks, Dean and I have this set time that we get to spend together.

This morning, I received a call from my modeling agent! I told him several months ago that if anyone needed a preggo woman for anything, I'd be open to it. I really didn't expect to hear from him, but he called with a booking for tomorrow at Pamida. PIP's going to be famous! Hehe...ok, maybe not famous, but it's kind of fun. Hopefully I'll be able to get a copy of the picture so I can stick it in her baby book.

So I finally caved. Almost 30 weeks in and I decided it was time to spend my two Motherhood Maternity gift cards (one from Dean and one from Angie...thanks!) I've picked up a handful of maternity shirts from the clearance racks at Target, but other than that, I've been wearing the one pair of jeans that still fit (kind of) and I've just been buying bigger sizes in regular pants (also from Target clearance racks.) Shirts and dresses have been pretty easy with all the current styles...big and flowy. BUT, everything seems to be expanding quickly and I still have another couple months to go, so I figured it was time to get a few things that fit AND are comfy. My mom went with me and we found a pair of jeans and three shirts at Motherhood Maternity. I love the shirts...the jeans are a little baggier than I would like, but I'm sure I'll grow into them. I'm not gonna lie though, they are REALLY comfortable! It's funny to be able to pull up a pair of jeans and not have to zip or button anything...not that any of my other jeans could zip or button at this point! We also went over to Old Navy and I found another pair of jeans and some capris (both on the clearance rack!) I think I'm set for now...once the weather starts to cool down, I'll have to pick up some more long-sleeve shirts.

So far, I have not received a call from my doctor's office about my test results...

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