I had another appointment yesterday...I had to leave work an hour early because it was the only available slot for the day. I felt so bad leaving because it was CRAZY!!! Business has been great, but it seriously wears me out everyday. So anyways, I left about 10 minutes late and was completely frazzled by the time I made it to the doctor's office. When I went to the bathroom to do my urine sample, I was horrified at my reflection in the mirror!! My face was bright red, my hair was sticking out in all the wrong places and my shirt was all twisted. I looked like a maniac! And this is totally gross, but I just feel the need to mention it (being pregnant has thrown all modesty out the window)...I have to give a urine sample at every appointment and it's something I'm NOT good at. You'd think that after all these months, I'd have figured it all out. Yesterday was the very first time that I didn't pee on my hand. Yep. And I was pretty darn excited about that.
It was a really quick appointment as usual...everything is looking great and I DON'T have gestational diabetes, which is fantastic. I wasn't sure how I was going to break the potential bad news to all my cold, sweet, chocolatey friends in the freezer had the test results come back high again. My next appointment is in two weeks...the ultrasound to see where the placenta is sitting is also scheduled for the same day. My doctor said that 99% of the time, it has moved up and out of the way, so I'm hoping that's the case with me as well. She also wants the ultrasound tech to check out the position of the baby...I can't wait to see her wiggling around in there again!
We went to our second class last night...pretty boring. We talked about the stages of labor and when we should head to the hospital and then "practiced" different breathing techniques at various stations that were set up in the classroom. While we "breathed", we had to try different things to help ease pain and discomfort...massage, sitting on big exercise balls, etc. We also watched a birth video but it wasn't what I expected. I thought we would see the whole thing, but it was just snippets of three different women...nothing too traumatic!I've witnessed an actual live birth, so nothing can beat that.
I'm feeling well for the most part...like I mentioned above, work has started to really wear me out. It just gets SO busy that I feel like I can't keep up. I can only walk so fast and lately, the right side of my stomach aches while I'm speedwalking around the restaurant. It's not horrible, but pretty bothersome especially while I'm trying to keep up with everything. I'm just about on my last nerve with annoying customers...I'm surprised I haven't flipped out on anyone yet. You all should hear the bitchy thoughts running through my head...it's awful! Once I get home though, and sit and relax, the achiness and bitchiness goes away and all is well until the next day at work...sigh.
Miss PIP has crazy dance parties everday...her movements remind me of Elaine's nutty dance moves in Seinfeld...spastic and off-beat. It's so amazing to watch her move...I can't get enough of it. I'll try to read or watch tv but I always get distracted by her wiggling around...I HAVE to stop what I'm doing and watch my stomach. I love putting both hands on my tummy and feeling actual parts moving back and forth. SO cool.
Dean and I may be getting closer to picking out a name. We have both made lists of names that we like and we're planning on comparing the two lists to see if we have any of the same ones. We'd like to have two or three favorites picked out and once we finally meet this little baby we'll figure out which name she looks like.
We only have about two more months to go, which is so scary and exciting at the same time! I can't wait though!!!
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