Friday, August 1, 2008

2nd round of gestational diabetes testing

I went back to get some more blood work done this morning. I arrived around 8:00, armed with a book and a magazine and my fingers crossed that something good would be on the tv in the waiting room.

They took a vial of blood when I got there and gave me another bottle of the sugary orange drink and sent me back out to the waiting room for an hour. PIP was wiggling all over the place...I think she was wondering where breakfast was!

A different nurse did the second blood draw and she tried to use the same vein as before. Apparently, it didn't work because I heard her make a strange "ooh-hmmm..." noise. Nice. Then I felt her wiggling the needle around (I couldn't look)...she took it out and tried again but it still didn't work so she finally switched to my other arm.

I went back out to the waiting room and we did the whole process two more times. I was there for a little over three hours and had a total of four blood draws (and a couple extra pokes). The time surprisingly went a lot quicker than I had expected, which was nice.

They'll only call me if the results come back high no news is good news. Hopefully I don't hear from them!!

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