We had one of the busiest weekends we've had in a long time. I don't think we stopped for a second. Friday evening, we went to one of Dean's co-worker's wedding in Lincoln (I didn't take a single picture, darn it.)
On Saturday, we ran a few errands during the day--we had to get a few things selected for the new house. That night, Marla rented Ollie the Trolley to celebrate her 30th birthday. It was a FUN night, but come Sunday, I quickly realized that being up until 2:30 a.m. two nights in a row does not agree with me. As much as I think I would like to go out more often, I wouldn't survive it. Don't get me wrong, both nights were great--fun to get out, fun to have a few drinks, and fun to see friends--but it's exhausting.
Happy Birthday Marla!! |

After lunch on Sunday, we loaded up the girls in my parents' conversion van for a test run. We wanted to get Aubree in the car for an extended amount of time to see how she would do before we drove up to our cabin later this week. We decided to drive to Holstein, Iowa (2 1/2 hours away) to buy our favorite brats--Tiefenthaler "skinless" brats. Look 'em up. They're delicious and I don't even like brats. On the way there, Aubree fell asleep just as we had hoped and woke up in a great mood. So far, so good. The Tiefenthaler meat place was not open (poor planning on our part) and the town grocery store had closed at noon. Oops. We backtracked and went to a store in the nearest town and luckily found some there. And by "some", I mean $115 worth. Dean went a little nuts and loaded up on them. :) On the way back, Aubree did well until the last hour. She started to get pretty restless and when we were about a half an hour from getting back to my parents' house, she FLIPPED OUT. She screamed and cried harder than she ever has. I thought she was going to throw up because she was so worked up. Nothing we did calmed her down. So now I'm just completely freaked out that our drive to the cabin is going to be horrendous. Hopefully if we time it right, it will revolve around her sleepy times. We're driving it in two 4-5 hour chunks. Wish us luck. :)
Ayla was SUCH a good girl in the car...she travels so well. |
Nap time! |
Snacking while watching Curious George. That DVD player is a life saver. |
Don't they look alike here? |
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