Get comfy 'cuz this post is out-of-control-photo-heavy. I think I uploaded something like 142 pictures. No kidding. Because of that, these are all straight out of the time to mess around with editing.
We spent last week at our cabin in Solon Springs, Wisconsin. I was excited to be there since Aubree and I missed it last year. Also, this is the first year in a LONG time that everyone was there. All 16 of us. :) It was so good to see everybody...we really had a great week together.
We left Friday evening (the 6th) after we fed the girls dinner and drove about halfway and stopped in Clear Lake, Minnesota for the night. We got up the next morning, had breakfast and got back on the road for the second half of our trip. The girls both did SO well both to and from the cabin. No major meltdowns from either of them. Thank goodness for whiny-bitch Caillou on the heaven-sent DVD player in my parents' van. If it wasn't for that, this whole road trip would have been a different story.
Ayla going completely nuts with excitement as we got on the road. |
Aubree taking her nap and an hour or so before arriving at the cabin. |
Ayla starting to get antsy...she kept saying it was taking a long time. :) |
We went up to Duluth, Minnesota early in the week. We grabbed lunch and then went to ride the Alpine Coaster. It's like a mini-rollercoaster. You sit on these carts and you can control your speed with a brake. It was sooo fun! I was pregnant a couple of years ago when we went so I wasn't able to ride it and last year when Dean and Ayla were there, she was too little to ride it. This year, she was big enough to ride with me. At first, she was a little freaked out. Totally my fault. As soon as we were given the green light, I went full speed ahead. I heard her panicking so I slowed down and gradually picked up speed again. Very quickly, she was loving it and didn't want it to end. She ended up going again with Dean. :) After the coaster, we went back into to town to do some shopping and boat-watching at the Aerial Bridge.
Playing with cousin Will...Ayla completely fell in love with him throughout the week. He was so sweet with her. |
Waiting for the ship to arrive... |
Finally free from her stroller, where she spent much of the week while we were out and about each day. |
Here it comes! |
Dean took Ayla fishing for the first time. It was right before dinner, so we didn't have a whole lot of time to sit there. She didn't end up catching anything, but I think she was excited to finally do it. She's had a fishing rod for a year and we've never used it!
We took another day trip up to Gooseberry Falls...suuuper pretty. We made a couple stops along the way. A quick photo-op along Lake Superior and then lunch.
Made it to the Falls! |
I love seeing her have a good time...nothing better than that smile. |
Will! |
Aunt Marla and Ayla pretending to be bears in this little cavern. |
Grandma and Grandpa strolled around with Aubree until she fell asleep for a much-needed nap. |
Will and Dana |
Newly engaged--Bryson and Natalia! |
She was obsessed with throwing rocks into the water. |
Check out Ayla's stink-face. She wanted nothing to do with being in this picture. |
Grandma still pushing Aubree. |
Getting Ayla to stand in the falls. |
She's awake! |
Next, we drove up to another point along Lake Superior. Dean, Bryson, Natalia, Dana, and Will decided to jump off the cliff into the FREEZING water. I've only ever had my feet in this lake and it's shockingly cold. I can't imagine having my entire body in it. Crazy.
Looking below and coming up with a game plan. |
Off they go! |
So. Cold. Everyone scrambling to get out of the water. |
Aunt Kathy keeping Aubree busy. |
One time wasn't enough for they boys so they decided to go again. |
There goes Dean! |
Will making his way back up. |
Mommy-Aubree shadow! |
Ayla went to the lake/beach by the cabin a few times...Aubree and I made it there later in the week. Ayla took some huge steps in the water this week. She's always been pretty apprehensive about being in the water, but for some reason, she just decided to go for it. She had her life jacket on, of course, but I think with the addition of a couple of swim noodles, she felt comfortable enough to paddle around on her own. I'm so proud of her! And Miss Aubree was loving the water as well. She was lounging and splashing in her little floater.
Aubree kept squishing her toes around in the wet sand. |
Will and Kathy out on the sailboat. Dean took a spin on it as well, but I didn't get any pictures! |
I brought a couple of shovels and buckets for the girls to play with while we were there. Aubree was a complete mess every time. Sand and dirt everywhere. :)
Getting ready for a bath. We had to get creative with bath time with only a shower and no bathtub. We ended up using a big plastic tote outside. It was perfect!
And a bunch of random pictures...
Sigh. Yes, she's still drinking out of a bottle. And yes, I still have to hold it for her because she refuses to do it. Not going to lie, still love this snuggle time. :) |
I love the way they're looking at each other. :) |
Dean and his three younger, taller cousins--Ben, Will, and Bryson. Keep in mind that Dean is 6'3". |
The last day we were there, we had a family reunion...we had a pretty good crowd! Once again, we fed the girls dinner and hit the road. We drove halfway again and stayed the night in Albert Lea and drove the rest of the way the next morning.
Cooling off in front of a fan. It was HOT all week. Definitely the warmest week I've ever spent up there. It's normally pretty mild and even cool, but it was pushing 90 for most of the week. With no A/C. Yikes. |
I need to give credit to Dean's cousin, Will, for the rest of these pictures. He took a lot of great photos so I wanted to get some of them into the books! Somehow, I have them all out of order, but you'll get the idea. :)
This is the Alpine Coaster I mentioned above. |
Waiting for the ship to come through in Duluth. |
Alpine Coaster |
Family reunion! |
Gooseberry Falls |
Waving at the people on the ship |