I've been trying to come up with different ways to keep Ayla busy during the day, especially while Aubree is napping. Yesterday, we went on a walk around the block before Aubree's nap and collected all different kinds of leaves that have fallen from trees. When we got home, we made leaf collages. Unfortunately, the only glue I could find was a hot glue gun so instead of letting her do it, I just let her choose a leaf and had her point to the spot where she wanted it. She was pretty proud of her creations...she sent a couple home with Grandma and Grandpa. :)
"No more pictures, Mom!" |
A couple of days ago, we picked up this "build a castle" kit. It's made out of foam pieces and came with about 100 stickers to decorate the castle. It turned out to be a bit too complicated for her, but she had fun peeling the stickers off for me. We still have a few more things to add but I'd say it's looking pretty good so far! |