Ayla is definitely turning into your typical 2-year old. She is feisty and is a master-whiner. However, I've found that if I remain as calm and patient as I can and talk to her without caving in to her demands, she does understand. She's starting to negotiate with us so we are able to do it in return. Before, there was no way that would work. Sometimes she gets a bit over excited and becomes very demanding so we've been reminding her of her please and thank-you's...and instead of saying "I want fill-in-the-blank!", she is learning to say "Can I please..." Much nicer to hear, if you ask me. We haven't started time-outs yet...definitely going to be a must, I think.
***And just a side-note--I haven't mentioned this yet, but Meghan, Chris, and Heidi are moving to Cleveland in just a few short weeks. They told us a while ago but I think I've been in denial. Chris was promoted and they have a wonderful opportunity awaiting them, but I'm so so so sad to see them go. Meghan and I have been friends since high school and we've been through a lot together through the years. She moved to San Antonio after college and when she and Chris both moved back to Omaha, I was thrilled and thought they would be here to stay, especially after Heidi was born. Since both of our girls were born, I pictured them growing up together. Needless to say, I'm bummed, but I wish them the best. Meghan, have a room ready for me, because I'll be coming to visit!
Those pics are the cutest pics ever! If I told Jessica to pose she would give me her super giant teethy smile and stick her neck out as far as it would go. Ayla poses way better then Jessica would.
I think the whole whining thing is a 2 year old thing because Jessica has just started doing that too. She will throw herself on the floor and roll around screaming. I just ignore it and she stops shortly after that when she realizes that it isn't getting any attention.
Trust me! You will be missed sooo much! I don't know what I'm going to do when Heidi ask to see "Ayda". I promise to travel back a ton!!!
PS - the vest looks awesome!
Skype!! Trust me.. if you put effort into it.. it works out. I would hope I'm proof.. ;)
Traveling is a must though.. maybe we can all figure out a way to car pool, Meghan ;)
She is so freaking cute!
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