Sunday, December 12, 2010

Gingerbread house

We decorated a gingerbread house this morning! I wanted to do it last year but figured Ayla was probably too little so I was really excited to do it this year.

She doesn't like getting her hands all. A bit when she got frosting on her fingers almost right away, she panicked and wanted me to clean them off. I made the mistake of telling her to just lick them. Sigh. Her eyes lit up as soon as that sugar hit her tongue. For the next half an hour, she preceded to eat frosting and candy...more than she's ever had, in fact. She was even plucking candy off of the house that we had already stuck on. She forgot the definition of "only one." Oh well. We don't do this every day and she had fun with it so I'm good with it. :)

Our finished product is not going to win us any awards by any means, but I think it looks pretty darn good for our first one. It really just looks like we stood across the kitchen and threw a handful of candy at it.


Laura said...

very very cute!! what a fun thing to do together!

Erika said...

It's gorgeous! :)