Monday, November 15, 2010


I know it's late and I just posted an entry. But. I have an announcement to make. Remember how, a while back, I was desperately searching every store and Internet site for another one of Ayla's blankies because we somehow lost her back-up one?I had pretty much given up on finding another one. The past several days, I've been eyeing the one she has and cringe at how dirty and worn it looks. She likes to pick at the tags so they're starting to fray. I keep thinking, "how in the world is this thing going to last much longer?!" And, God forbid, what if we misplaced this one too? Life as we knew it would be all over...she is so so so attached to this thing.

It'd been a while since I had Googled it, so I decided to give it a shot. After going through several sites...most of which I've seen before and a couple new ones that gave me brief moments of false hope (I clicked on "buy" only to find that it, of course, was discontinued), I landed on
Totally random. Who would have thought that they not only carry a bunch of herbal remedies, but discontinued baby blankies as well? I. Was. Ecstatic. I decided to purchase two just for good measure and after shipping, they were only 14 bucks a piece. I hope this wasn't too good to be true. A small package had better show up on my door step in less than three weeks. Seriously. You have no idea.

1 comment:

Erika said...

AWESOME! I totally understand your excitement!!! Reminds me of the teddy fiasco at our house:)