I usually have Dean take my belly pics on Mondays, but he will be in Des Moines tomorrow so we're posting this one a day early. This is my adjusted 22-week mark. I'm feeling really well still...this second trimester stuff is pretty great. PIP is moving a lot more and her kicks are becoming stronger and stronger. I'm also feeling her higher in my belly. And a side-note--remember the diaper bag I bought? I purchased it knowing that it would eventually be marked down even more. I was right. It was originally $50 and I got it for $35. I wanted to snag one in case they sold quickly. Well today, Ayla and I went shopping (at Target, of course) and it was 75% off! It was $12.48! I got it and I'm going to return the more expensive one. :) Happy day!

Ayla stayed with Grandma on Friday night (thank you Barb!) so Dean and I could go to dinner and a movie. It was a much needed evening out after a very long week. It's so nice to be able to do that every now and then thanks to our parents and Marla who are always so willing and eager to watch Ayla for us.

On Saturday, we went over to my brother's house for our nephew, Bennett's 4th birthday party. He received a pile of new toys and was thrilled about it. :) He was very embarrassed while we sang Happy Birthday to him. He wouldn't turn around until we were done singing. How funny.

Ayla was in complete awe with a smile on her face as she watched all the other kids literally running through the house. She wanted to join in but was a little hesitant. Not being in daycare, she's really not around very many other kids besides her cousins.

I realized that it's the middle of November and I've only taken pictures of Ayla on a couple of different occasions. Very unlike me. I will have to fix that. Hopefully we'll have some nice days this week and I can get her outside to take a few before winter really hits and we're stuck inside for months.
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