As I mentioned in my previous two posts, we spent the weekend in Denver. Why, Denver, you ask? Way back in October, I received an email from a friend who works for Southwest Airlines. They were having a huge sale on tickets so we decided to take advantage of it and go somewhere that would only take one flight, no connections. Our choices were limited: Chicago, Denver, or Oklahoma City. We always go to Chicago, so we picked Denver.
We were supposed to take off at 11:oo a.m. on Friday but that flight ended up being canceled so we got on another flight that didn't leave until about 5:00 p.m. Turns out, it worked out for the best because Ayla was able to take a great nap before we left.
She did sooooo well on the plane (there and back) the time we arrived, got our luggage and rental car and drove to the hotel, it was time for her to take a bath and start getting ready for bed. Not without a lot of running around and exploring first though. Within minutes, she found the mini-fridge...what a dream come true for her. She's
obsessed with the fridge at home, so when she discovered one just her size and one that she could open by herself, she was thrilled.
She had the produce drawer pulled out in no time...

We stayed at an Embassy Suites, so it was really nice that we had two separate areas. It worked out perfectly for her naps and bedtime. After she was in bed, we ordered some pizza and drank some wine. :)

In the mornings, we ate breakfast in the hotel...afterwards, Dean took Ayla to the "waterfall" so they could toss pennies in and make wishes.

We took her to the indoor swimming was a bust. We thought she would love it since bathtime is always such a hit, but we only lasted about a half an hour and the whole time she kept saying "out" and "down" and would give the "all done" sign. Oh least we tried. I'm sure this summer she'll love swimming with her cousins at her Uncle Ping's house. Is this bikini not the cutest thing ever?

After the pool, we headed to a place called Fantastic's an indoor amusement park type place for little kids. Aside from falling off that darn bench, she had a really fun time!
Sportin' her new sunglasses on the way to the park.

This is as close as we got to the mountains...

In the biggest bounce house I've ever seen.

This was also the biggest ball pit I've ever seen...we had no idea how deep it was. Dean said to just drop her in and this is how she ended up. Oops. It was really fun that we were able to get in there with her. I had to fight my germ-o-phobic thoughts and just go with it.

As long as she was sitting on Dean, she was happy to be in there.

On the rollers with Daddy.
Going across the bridge

Going down the slide after the bridge

Mini bounce house...she didn't really bounce; she just sat in one spot and watched the other kids.
HUGE bear

Teacup ride

Walking to lunch...the weather was beautiful! No coats!! It was 50 degrees...a welcomed change from the painfully cold temps we've had in Omaha.

We went to dinner in a cool little area downtown...we met a gal that works for the Denver office of Dean's company. A great restaurant but definitely not Ayla-friendly. We were there for two hours which is way too long for a one-year old! After about a half an hour, she was pretty fussy. Dean and I had to take turns wrangling her.
She was all smiles again once we got back to the hotel.
After she went to bed this night, Dean and I stayed up and tried to finish the wine we bought for the weekend...we were not successful. :) It was a great night though...we just sat and talked about everything and anything. We don't do this was really nice.
On Sunday, we ate breakfast, packed up our stuff and headed out. We stopped in some shops on the way to the airport and then went to return our rental car.
She refused to nap on the flight home (no surprise) and held on until we were in the shuttle bus on the way to get our car. She started going all cross-eyed from trying so hard to keep her eyes open. It was so funny. We didn't even make it off the lot before she passed out in the car. She was a good 4 1/2 hours past her regular naptime.
It was such a great weekend...we had a really fun time with her and she was such a good girl the entire time. She even let us sleep all night both nights. We didn't do anything crazy exciting, but it was just the perfect little getaway as just the three of us. And a bonus? She started giving actual hugs this weekend. Before, she would just lean in, but now she uses her arms. It's so awesome. When those little arms wrap around my neck, it warms me to the very core of my heart. Love it.
Anne- you and Dean are such GREAT parents!! Its nice to know there are still good ones out there!!! I love reading your blogs...they always make me laugh and think of my babies :)
That bounce house is huge! How many people were jumping at once?
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