Saturday, January 9, 2010

Guilty-mommy post.

:( We are in Denver right now (Ayla is napping) and I just have to make a quick confession because I feel so terribly bad about it.

We brought Ayla to an indoor kids' amusement park and she was having a blast until she took a nose dive off of a bench. I looked over just in time to see her fall forward from a sitting position and land flat on her face. I picked her up right took her a couple seconds to start crying. When I looked at her mouth, it was full of blood. She chomped down on the inside of her bottom lip when she landed. I feel soooo bad that I wasn't right next to her on that bench. :( She only cried for a minute or two and forgot all about it but still...I feel awful about it. She will probably have a fat lip to go along with the rug burn that goes from her mouth down to her chin. One battle wound after another...

That's all for now...just needed to get that off my chest. A full post with pictures to come...

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